It’s important to realize that if you have tax problems, you can get help to deal with the IRS. Your tax problems won’t go away by themselves. The IRS can be scary and is intimidating to deal with on your own. Hiring a lawyer to put between yourself and the often-aggressive tactics of the IRS can be a wise decision. The IRS is known to garnish your wages, put liens on your property and levy the money in your bank account to collect on your tax debt. They sometimes even use wrongful audit tactics.

Many Americans will be forced to deal with tax problems at some point in their lives. How you react will determine how you come through the ordeal and how much of a hit your finances will take.

Income Tax Help

You may have unfiled returns, large tax debts or overwhelming IRS confusion.

We have solutions for your tax headaches. There are always solutions. If you’re honest with us we can work with your issues and the government will work with us. As attorneys we are taught to argue. CPAs and accountants are more black and white and generally take less of an advocate stance.

Large Tax Debt?

If you can’t afford to pay it off, there are many solutions. Some are old and some are cutting edge. We keep on top of what traditionally works and what new tools are out there to lower your past and current IRS debts.

Haven’t Filed Your Old Returns?

We can help! We contact the IRS to get your old W2s and 1099s. We then use that information and your records to recreate your old taxes and get you current. Getting your taxes filed is the first step to getting your problems behind you – even if you can’t afford to pay your old taxes.

Make sure you get a local lawyer with a local office who understands your financial problems. We’re here in San Rafael right off the freeway. Now available by telephone and operating remotely through the pandemic.

Contact Us today, using the contact form on the right or
call 415-504-2006 and schedule an appointment today.

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    Guide to Eliminating Debt
    Through Bankruptcy for
    California Consumers.

    Download PDF here.
